Green Tropics Group
Supporting Ghanaian farmers since 1993
At Green Tropics Group we’re taking positive action with cocoa farming communities, getting information, training and resources to the people that need them most. We believe in action with urgency in order to raise awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing Ghana farmers today.
Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others.
Our Roots
Why we do this
Here at Green Tropics Group, we know that all it takes to change the world is a a small idea and a lot of effort.
Since our founding in 1993, we have been determined to make an impact to ordinary farmers and their families in the Eastern and Ashanti Regions in Ghana and especially in the cocoa districts of Nkawkaw and Juaso.
Our work supports, empowers, and provides high quality resources to cocoa farming communities. Our aim is to increase environmental conciousness of Ghanaians through advocay and the promotion of the management and conservation of their natural resources and to support environmentally sustainable agricultural practice. We believe in supporting and developing farmers to enable and empower sustainable livelihoods leading to improved socio-economic outcomes.

Funded Partnership with Hotel Chocolat
Since 2002, Hotel Chocolat has funded a collaboration with Green Tropics Group. A combination of farmer and community support in and around Nkawkaw, Eastern Region, Ghana.
Together we’re empowering 2,000+ cacao farmers in Ghana to provide a good standard of living for themselves and their families.
Strong Growth
What We Do
Natural Resource Management
Cocoa Farmer Support
Community Support

Natural Resource Management
In harmony with the environment.
This initiative aims at assisting communities in GTG’s operational areas to sustainably manage their natural resources and protect the environment.
In 2000 we launched the Osuben River Basin Natural Resource Management Project supported by the ICCO of the Netherlands.
This four-year project aimed at the sustainable management of the natural resources of the Osuben River Basin in the Kwahu South District of the Eastern Region.
Cocoa Farmer Support
Working better together
GTG is also involved in activities aimed at improving the socio-economic well-being of cocoa farmers in its operational areas i.e. Eastern and Ashanti Regions of Ghana. The specific objectives of the programme include:
to sensitize cocoa farmers in target communities on innovative and sustainable farming techniques (e.g. organic farming, agro-forestry, proper application of agro-chemicals, etc.)
to facilitate access of cocoa farmers to improved/hybrid planting materials and other essential agricultural inputs.
to boost the interest and participation of the youth in the cocoa sector.
to introduce and promote alternative livelihood activities within cocoa farming communities for the generation of supplementary income during the off season.

Community Support
One Step at a Time
GTG is also involved in activities aimed at supporting cocoa farming communities holistically such as,
Clean Water Projects
Solar lighting
Improving Sanitation
Health Care Facility
Find out more about these in our blog section.
Our Stories
what we are doing on the ground
Check out our blog on how we put the theory into action. We are happy to hear your ideas so let us know what you would like to see in this section and we will endevour to share the stories you want with you.

Stephen Osei-Amache
National President, GTG
Stephen Osei-Amache is one of the founding member of the Green Tropics (International) Group and has overseen the operation since its inception in 1993.
Steve currently serves as the National President of the group taking a hands on approach with farmers, officials and supporting partners.
Until 2014, Steve combined GTG with his role in the public sector service as an Environmental Management officer working for the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana as Director for Field Operations across the whole of Ghana. In 2014 Steve retired from the public sector to concentrate solely GTG and the Kookoo Kuapon project.

Robert Gyasi Nsiah
National Vice-President, GTG
Robert Gyasi Nsiah joined the group as a volunteer-in 2000 providing support on alternative livelihood under a forest conservation project implemented by GTG with international funding.
He has spent most of his working life with programmes and projects of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Ghana aimed at providing business development support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the agribusiness subsector.
He managed a Farm Implements and Tools (FIT) Programme established by the ILO as National Coordinator from its inception to its eventual transformation into local non-governmental organization (NGO) after the expiry of its project phase.
Robert’s association deepened over the years and since retirement from FIT now works full time as GTG’s National Vice-President.

Felix Osei Kwakye
Programme Assistant
Felix Osei Kwakye joined Green Tropics (International) Group in February, 2018 as a Programme Assistant.
He is a professional agriculturist with tertiary level training in General Agriculture. Felix supervises the planning, implementing and evaluating GTG’s farmer support initiatives including model/demonstration farms, nurseries, farmer training & extension support services, young farmers support scheme, radio shows, etc.
He is responsible for the work of GTG’s Farm Assistants to ensure adherence basic work ethics, safety and environmental standards, and co-ordinates activities and programmes of all staff at the various nursery units in achieving set targets and goals.
Kookoo Kuapon Partnership
Excellence in Cocoa Farming
We are working in partnership within the Nkawkaw Cocoa District to change the outcomes for cocoa farmers. Our aim is to improve standards of living and to make cocoa farming a good option for farmers and their families. Our scheme covers payments of premium, productivity training and support of community based projects.
Green Tropics Group
Ghanaian NGO, supporting productivity training, managing community projects and add on programmes such as model farming and young farmer development.
Ghanaian Licenced Buying Company which is a 100% subsidiary of Barry Callebaut. Working with GTG and farmers, sourcing sustainable and traceable cocoa and training on productivity, community development, and climate-smart cocoa farming.
Barry Callebaut
World leading manufacturer of high-quality chocolate and cocoa products. Providing expertise and governance in the implementation of the project to combat the structural challenges facing cocoa farmers.
Hotel Chocolat
UK based chocolate manufacturer, retailer and partner to GTG since 2002. HC connect the farmer through the supply chain to the consumer.

Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.
1 Corinthians 4:2

Contact us
Green Tropics Group
Get in touch with Green Tropics Group to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
email or find us on instagram @greentropicsgroup
GTG, Third Gate, Ashalley-Botwe, Accra, Ghana.